University of Virginia Library



Ah, Friendship! how oft have I try'd
To find thee, but ever in vain;
'Midst the turbulent children of pride,
And the humble delights of the plain.
And when, at thy glorified shrine
My heart hath her orisons paid;
Hope, smiling, presented thee mine,
I follow'd—but found thee a shade!
'Tis Love that awakens our fires,
While Friendship with sympathy glows;
'Tis Beauty inflames our desires,
And Friendship that softens our woes.
When hope has forsaken the mind,
And nought but despair is in view,
How happy the wretch who can find
A heart that to Friendship is true!
Then give me these blessings supreme,
Ye powers indulgent above,
The Friend, who shall gain my esteem,
And the fair, who shall merit my love.