University of Virginia Library



Now doth the Year forget his far-off birth
And his wan winter cradle, bare and cold;
He enters on his heritage of Earth,
And crowns his brow with the strong sunbeam's gold.
All the long day in the blue deep of sky
The silvery floating cloudlets glide and climb;
The roses burn and breathe, and rich July
Unlocks the hoarded sweetness of the lime.
The pulse of life is beating full and fast,
The hum of wings murmurs through tree and flower:
Yet that hot life is hushed asleep at last;
And with the hush comes on a holier hour


Then broods the grey dove, Twilight, grave and fair;
The fitful wind has lightly fled away:
Only dumb settings of the tide of air
Breathe a faint fragrance from the fields of hay.
Voices of children homing cheerily
With softened gladness tinkle from afar.
They fade, they cease: lo, in the silent sky,
Silent and lone, the sister planet star.
Then breathes the spell, melodious, magical;
Voices long lost, and voices yet to be,
Half on the sense, half on the spirit fall,
Like shells that murmur of the murmuring sea.