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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Think ye that forms of Government alone
Or idle names can make men truly free?
Ye may be slaves in a Democracy,
And freemen 'neath a Despot! 'tis all one,
For if the outward form be not bas'd on
Virtue, and Truth, and Justice, it can be
Quickened by no true soul of Good — think ye
That Freedom's holy light hath ever shone


On brows bent down for Mammon's yellow dust?
Think ye they ever breathed her Ether, who
No holy aspirations ever knew,
Whose thoughts like Earth are Earthy, and whose trust
Is placed in fleeting things, that to the heart
Their own unrest and baselessness impart?