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Or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon. A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-drag-on [i.e. S. W. H. Ireland]

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—Vir bonus est quis?
Qui consulta patrum qui leges juraque servat.

Who is a good man? That being who respects the ordinances of the Legislature, and is obedient to every law and moral obligation.

From culture dispelling gross ignorance dense,
That prescribes to our passions the curb-rein of sense;
From morality's rules planted deep in the breast,
Where goading of turpitude ne'er was impress'd;
Springs love for those writers, from whom we can draw
The precepts of Justice and source of all Law;
Since the upright no terrors in punishment trace,
For the guilty alone dread the brand of disgrace.


Our code void of quirks in a Blackstone is seen;
From Burn's Jurisprudence staunch precepts we glean,
While our Rights from Delolme are at once understood,
“That Freedom acquir'd by our Forefathers' blood.”
Such works fundamental for aye stand enroll'd,
Such names shou'd grace adamant, blazon'd in gold.
As a limb of the Bar, I with honour renown 'em,
And exulting with circlet unfading thus crown 'em.

It is not a little surprising to observe, that the best treatise upon the British constitution was written by the French gentleman above named; while the history of England, from whence every later writer has composed his work, has uniformly been that of Rapin de Thoyras, who also owed his birth to France, and which work, although prolix, is completely void of prejudice, and full of learned and amusing annotations.

Although Sir Scribblecumdash has advanced so much in praise of this subject, I must beg leave to remark, that however good the laws themselves may be, it is far otherwise with their Limbs; wherefore that no reader, judging from the above couplets, may be prompted to run headlong into danger, I shall trouble him with the following statements, which having perused, “let him then go to law with what appetite he may.”

Mr. Selwyn, a very sagacious and experienced citizen, (who was formerly a candidate for the office of chamberlain of London, and missed it only by seven votes out of 7000), used to say, that a man who deliberates about going to law should have 1. A good cause. 2. A good purse. 3. An honest and skilful attorney. 4. Good evidence. 5. Able counsel. 6. An upright judge. 7. An intelligent jury. 8. Good luck; without which, with all the other seven, it is odds but he miscarries in his suit.

In Burton on Melancholy, p. 50, he states as follows: “He that goes to law, as the proverbe is, holds a wolfe by the eares, or, as a sheepe in a storme, runs for shelter to a brier. If he prosecute his cause, he is consumed; if he surcease his suit, he looseth all. What difference?”

An advocate of Strasbourg being suddenly taken ill, sent for a brother lawyer to make his will, by which he bequeathed 72,000 florins to the Hospital of Idiots in that city. His brother advocate, expressing his surprise at this bequest, “Why not bestow that sum upon them?” (said the dying man) “You know I got my money by fools, and therefore to fools it ought to return.”

Do we not find these lords sedate
Make laws themselves, so intricate,
That one act patches up another—
As rogue will rogue—because a brother.
In vain for verdict ye resort,
And come with clean hands into court,
Since right and wrong give equal sport
To counsel—who'll cross-question so,
That, whether witness will or no,
He'll surely gainsay what is sooth,
And mar with lie the naked truth.
In vain on high sits Justice scowling;
In vain poor Goddess makes a growling;
They heed her not, but with ear-clinkers
Out-argue right—as for her blinkers,
Lest their keen glance shou'd raise a stir,
They've bound 'em up with muckinger.
An oath to him who'd truth be killing
Is kiss the book, and give a shilling;
Nor more nor less—for when digestion
Is strong with conscience—to each question
Witness may cut pert counsel short,
By stating he remembers nought.
Thus what with flaws the truth defeating,
And pleaders' impudent brow-beating;
Judges who vary on the case,
Good allegations out of place;
A witness who can not remember
If 'twas in August or December;
In short, such ugly cross-grain'd things,
With fifty others, trial brings.
And where's in this the wonder, pray?
Did not a famous Judge once say,
That speaking truth deserves as well
Punition, being a Libel,
As he who truth doth vilify,
By telling a confounded lie:
So from that hour when Truth's been stripp'd
In courts for blabbing—she's been whipp'd.