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Air—“The little fairy moat”.


There is an island on the lake
Where dwelt my Mary Earley,
My modest maid with smile so sweet,
And teeth so white and pearly,
With graceful form, and heart so warm,
And eyes that shone so clearly,
And wild I loved, and wild adored,
My sweet young Mary Early.


There is a boat upon that lake,
With sails of snowy whiteness,
That floats across the silent tide,
From shore to shore in brightness,
And oft within that swan-like boat,
While morn was shining fairly,
I've basked me in the sunny smiles
Of loving Mary Earley.


And oft upon the silent eves
Of golden summer weather
We've sailed away to some bright bay,
With joyful hearts together;
The wild birds seemed to haunt that shore,
To sing around us rarely,
And many a song of love they sang
For me and Mary Earley.


One autumn day to bar my way
To love and that green island,
The storm swept down the moorlands brown,
And roared o'er glen and highland;


I plunged me in the surging tide,
And soon I clasped her dearly,
And kissed her by the island's side,
My loving Mary Earley.


And now beside Lough Deirgert's shore
I sigh for Mary Earley,
And song birds all unheeded pour
The strains they sing so rarely.
There is a ruin lone and hoar
Where sigh the sad winds drearly,
And there she sleeps for evermore,
My loving Mary Earley.