University of Virginia Library



When Cousin Will from London came
Amongst us country folk;
I hop'd to find him just the same,
Ha! what a silly joke?
I thought my Cuz would be as free
As when he came before;
But hush! can't you the reason see,
A crime 'tis to be poor.
With greasy hat, and apron black,
Sure a most dismal hue;
Nor had he known 'twas Cousin Jack,
Had not I to him flew.


In harmless thought, I instant brought
A glass, the same quite rare,
Call'd Honesty , with goodness fraught,
Can Cite such cordials bear?
Had I him met in grandeur great,
With vices of the times;
E'en that alone would compensate,
And cover all my crimes.
But now, dear Dick, you see I lose
My once so loving kin;
Nor can I think that this abuse
Will his affections win.
Yet let him know that what I write,
No harm at all intends;
But shall as usually indite,
Unto my dearest friends.

The name of a cordial, well known at his father's house.