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Various pieces in verse and prose

By the late Nathaniel Cotton. Many of which were never before published. In two volumes

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A Sunday Hymn, in Imitation of Dr. Watts.

This is the day the Lord of life
Ascended to the skies;
My thoughts, pursue the lofty theme,
And to the heav'ns arise.
Let no vain cares divert my mind
From this celestial road;
Nor all the honours of the earth
Detain my soul from God.
Think of the splendors of that place,
The joys that are on high;
Nor meanly rest contented here,
With worlds beneath the sky.
Heav'n is the birth-place of the saints,
To heav'n their souls ascend;
Th'Almighty owns his favourite race,
As father and as friend.


Oh! may these lovely titles prove
My comfort and defence,
When the sick couch shall be my lot,
And death shall call me hence.