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[A zealous brother did a sister meete]
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[A zealous brother did a sister meete]

A zealous brother did a sister meete,
And greeted sweetly in the open streete;
Thou holy woman, where hast been said he,
I came from a baptizing Sir (quoth she)
Pray whose childe was it (he again requires)
She answerd, such a Taylors in Black-fryers,
Hee's one of us, the man reply'd again,
Hee's one (quoth she) that doth the truth maintain;
Quoth he, what might the childe baptized be?
Was it a Male She, or a Female He?
I know not which, but 'tis a Son she said,
Nay then (quoth he) a wager may be laid;
It had some Scripture name, yes, so it had
Said she, but my weak memorie's so bad
I have forgot it, 'twas a godly name,
Though out of my remembrance be the same:
'Twas one of the small Prophets verily,
It was not Esay, nor yet Ieremie,
Ezekiel, Daniel, nor good Obadias,
And now I doe remember, 'twas Golias.