University of Virginia Library



Shew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner,
And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie;
O cleanse me from it, Purifie me Filthy;
For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner.
In Sin (thou know'st) my Sinfull mother bore mee:
But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie,
Wash, wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie,
So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee.
Giue me a cleane hart, an vntainted Spirit;
And of thy Grace, and Face bereaue me neuer;
So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it,
And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour:
Sith broken harts (as doth thy Voice auer it)
Are th'only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer.