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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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Ingenious Vafer can with special grace
Sute his religion vnto euery place;
When he's in England he himself doth vant
A Parlament-Prince-pleasing Protestant;

Cambden affirmes Holland to be a fruitful Prouince of Heretikes. Elizabetha p. 300.

Holland holds to be a fertil place

Of faithles Hereticks,

In Hungary and Boheme (saith our late Soueraigne) there are infinit diuersities of Sects, agreeing in nothing but in their vnion against the Pope. K. Iames his workes. p. 371.

Behemia's race

Of Sectaries hath no vnited scope
In any point, but how to spite the Pope.


'Mongst al translations of the sacred Word
That of

The conference at Hampton Court testifyeth, that King Iames professed that he could neuer yet see a Bible wel translated into English, but the worst of al his Maiesty thought Geneua to be; to which he affirm'd that there were some notes annexed very partial, vntrue, seditious, and sauouring too much of dangerous and trayterous conceits. p. 46. 49.

Geneua's most to be abhorr'd;

Whose factious Ministers not by word

Since the time that they of Geneua deposed their Bishop, their Liege-Lord and Prince, (as M. Sutcliff confesseth in his answ. to cal. petit. p. 194.) it hath been a Principle (sayth M. Bancroft) as I suppose with some of the chief Ministers of Geueua, that if Kings and Princes refused to reforme religion, the inferiour Magistrates, or people, by direction of the Ministry, might lawfully, and ought (if need required) euen by force of armes to reforme it themselues. Dang. pos. p. 9. See further M. Bancrofts in his Suruay p. 48. Where he affirmes that they maintained in their books desperate points of deposing Princes, and of putting them to death in diuers cases of resistance against reformation.


But by their

They of Geneua (sayth M. Sutcliff) deposed their Bishop, which was also their Liege-Lord & Prince, from his temporal right &c. albeit he was by right of succession the temporal Lord and owner of that Citty and territory, Calum. petit. p. 194. See the Suruay p. 11. 12. Dang. posit. 22.

deeds teach subiects to dethrone

Their lawful Soueraignes. Those in

The Puritans of Scotland (sayth M. Bancroft) were published in a proclamation by his Maiesty to be vnnatural subiects, seditious persons, troublesome & vnquiet spirits, members of Sathan, enemies to the King and the Common-wealth of their natiue country &c. Dang. posit. 22.

Scotland are

Seditious persons, men who neuer spare
Their King or country, troublesome, vnciuil,
And restles spirits, yea members of the Diuil.
The Puritans in general are

I protest before the great God (sayth his late Maiesty) since I am heer vpon my testament, it is no place for me to lye in, that you shal neuer find with any Highland or Border-theeues, greater ingratitude, and more lyes, and vile periuries, then with these phanatike spirits. King Iames his workes pag. 161.



See this sufficiently proued by M. Bancroft in his Dang. posit. throughout the 3. 4. 5. and 6. Chapters of the 1, booke.

aduancers of their owne desires,

Crosse, wayward

When we feast (saith M. Ormerod) they (Puritans) wil fast; and when we fast, they wil feast. See further diuers answerable examples hereof in Ormer. his pict. p. 20. 21.


Ib. pag. 75.

prone to loosse delights,


To proue their deuices they haue offered great violence to the holy Scriptures, expounding them contrary both to ancient Fathers and histories, and common reason &c. M. Sutcl. answ. Calum. petit. p. 141.


See before at 7.


The purity (of Puritans) neither consists in life nor doctrine (for none therein can be lesse pure, vnlesse it be in bare cōceit) but in outward shewes, false semblance, vaine protestations of reformation, gogling of eyes, & painted hypocrisie. M. Sutcl. answ. Calum. pet. p. 90.


Al these attributes and more are giuen them by M. Sutclif. in his answ. Calum. petit. in Epist. Dedic. and p. 10. 13. 24. 33. 52. 54. 55. 56. 62. 69. 72. 73. 89. 93. 99. 10.

Satyrists, dogs, Schismatikes

Murmurers, Vultures, yea and

Least any man should thinke (saith D. Couel) our contentions with Puritans were in smaller points, & difference not great, each side hath charged one the other with heresies, if not infidelities, nay euen with such as quite ouerthow the principal foundation of our Christian faith. Iust and temperate def. art. 11. p. 67.


Equal to

The Puritans haue ioyned with the Pharisees, Aerians, Apostolikes, Pepuzians, Petrobuzians, Florinians, Cerinthians, Nazerens, Bigardins, Ebionites, Catobabdites, Enthusiasts, Donatists. Ormero[illeg.] discou. of Purit. papisme. p. 9.

th'Pharisies & Donatists,

Arrians, Ebionites, and Catharists,
Florinians, Beguardins, Pepuzians
Apostolikes, and Petrobusians.
Yet if to Amsterdam he hence doe saile,
Or to Geneua goe, he then doth raile
At th'English Church. The

Archbishops and Bishops are vnlawful, vnnatural, false and bastardly Gouernours of the Church, and the Ordinances of the Diuel; pettie Popes, pettie Antichrists &c. Bishops callings are meere Antichristian &c. Danger posit. p. 59. with much more there to the same effect.

Bishops are saith he)

An Antichristian Popish ministry.

Their prescript forme of seruice is ful of corruption &c. Ib. 55.

Of fond corruptions;

The Communion-book is an imperfect book, culled and picked out of that Popish dunghil, the Portuisse and Masse-book; and many of the contents therein be such as are against the word of God. Ibid.

from the masse they cul

Their new Communion-bookes, dissenting farre
From the Lord's word it neuer fayling square.

The Sacraments are by the Church of England wickedly mangled and prophaned. Ibid. p. 56.

Sacraments they wickedly prophane,

Their rites and habits

Their garments & ceremonies are Antichristian pompes, rites, lawes, and traditions. Ibid.


Their ministries are

The Ministers are neither proued, elected, called, nor ordained according to Gods word. Ibid. p. 60.

neither prou'd nor cal'd

Nor right according to the Word instal'd:
The most

The most part of our Priests are either Popish Priests, or Monks, or Friars, or Ale-hāters, or Boyes & lads, drunkards and dolts; they wil weare a fool's hood for liuings sake &c. Ibid. p. 61.

are Monks, Friars, drunkards, dolts, or boyes


The publike Baptisme is ful of childish and superstitious toyes. Ibid. p. 96.

baptisme profane with childish toyes


And to conclude, they are, he yet beleeues

You shal find amongst this Crue of Ministers nothing else but a troup of bloudy soule-murderers, and sacrilegious Church-robbers. Ib. p. 61.


See before, at 15. See also Rogers in his pref. to his art. nu. 31. & 13.

Sacrilegious theeues.

Nor doth he there the Lutherans respect,
Them he condemneth for a damned sect
Of wilful

We see by these words of Danæus (sayth Schlusselberg) that the Caluinists account vs Lutherans for damned and excommunicated heretikes. Theol. Calu. lib. 2. art. 1. and in the same place, Caluin [sayth he) in his last admonition against Westphalus keeps no measure in his railing, he proclames al those heretikes, who refuse to reiect Luthers doctrine to obey Caluin.

Heretikes; and stil them

Some of the Zuinglians (sayth Iezlerus,) haue called the Lutherās, haters of men, flesh-eaters, drinkers of bloud, Thyests, Hāgmen, killers of Christ, breadworshippers, adorers of a breaden God, denyers of the Redemption which Christ performed vpon the altar of the Crosse, Eutychians, Suenk feldians, and lastly ouerthrowers of many articles of the Apostolike faith, de diuturn, belli Euchar. fol. 93. See 92. also where they called also Caphernaites, Localists, &c. But farre more then al this may be found in the writings of Zuinglius, Caluin, & Beza against the Lutherans, in Tossanus. Schutz de serp. antiq. Georg. Hansfeld in via Monstrat. Wegweiser. Alb cont. Carolost. Oecolampad. æqu. respons. charta quædam Zuinglij an. 1527. and in general al Caluinists who haue writ against the Lutherans. For the more easy discouery of some of which Authours, I refer you to the 2. Catalogue in the end of the Protestants Apologie.


Drinkers of bloud, Flesh-eaters, Cannibals,
Auerse from Christian faith, Christ's murderers,
Destroyers of the Creed, Idolaters,
Reiecters of Christs death, Zuenck feldians,
Hang-men, Caparnaites, Eutychians,
Localists, men prodigiously blind,
False, wicked, proud, of an ambitious mind,
Impudent Asses, more illiterate fooles
Then simple children that frequent the scholes.
But from these townes this Rouer scarce is got
To Wittenberg, but sing's another note;
He now auerr's,

We seriously censure the Zuinglians and al Sacramentaries for heretikes, and alienated from the Church of God. Luth. tom. 2. f. 503. & tom. Ien. p. 578.

and seriously, that they

Who from the true faith doe with Zuinglius stray,
And likewise such as Caluin doe respect,
Are a most damn'd

Luther forgetful of God and diuine Honour, calleth vs a damned Sect, say the Tigurine Diuines in confess. Germ. part. 3.

and execrable sect


The Lutherans haue call'd, & to this day stil cal the Zuinglians conuicted heretikes, possessed with diuels, obsessed on euery side, before, behind, aboue, below, within and without with Diuels, Martyrs of Dinels, to be refelled rather with the sword of the ciuil Magistrate then with words, to be restrain'd from holy things, to be wholy rooted out of the Church, shunned by al good men, vnworthy for whom God should be prayd vnto, to be excluded forth of the leagues of Kings and Princes, to be reckoned amongst the Anabaptists, Nestorians, Arians, Turks, and in a word worse then al mortals that euer the earth bore, & damn'd for al eternity. Iezl. de diut. belli. Euchar. f. 93. See before, XXIX. 7. who yet would find more of these freindly Epithets, wherewith the Lutherans set forth their fellow Protestant-Zuinglians, need but repaire to Luthers bookes against the Sacramentaries. Io. Schutz. Serp. antiq. & 50. cause, Riuand. lup. excor. Alber. cont. Carolost. Selneccerus and other Lutherans (a Catalogue whereof is in the end of the Protestants Apologie) and they shal find much more then I haue here expressed; for (to vse Iezlerus his owne words) there is no end at al among them in contending, writing, declaiming, disputing, condemning and excommunicating one another. p. 80. yea euery mart (as the learned Deane of S. Paules M. Dun ingenously confesseth) we se more bookes written by these men against one another, then by them both for Christ. In the first serm. preached by him to King Charles, at S. Iames. 30. Aprill. 1625. p. 15.

conuict Heretikes; on euery part

About their body, and within their hart,
Aboue, below, behind them, and before,
Obsest with Diuels; men deseruing more
To be refelled by the aw-ful swords
Of ciuil Magistrats, then force of words.
They are (he now affirmes) to be restrain'd
From holy things, their company refrain'd
By al good men, most fitting t' be expell'd
From forth the Churches bosome, yea and held
Not worthy to be pray'd for, and vnfit
That Kings should them into their leagues admits


He vowes they are for either faith, or workes,
Nestorians, Arians, Anabaptists, Turkes.
And in a word, the worst of men, yea he
Proclaimes them damn'd for al eternity.
Yet into Frizeland if he take his flight
Then th'Anabaptists only teach aright;
There, as amongst the Caluinists againe,
He against Luther slack's his passion's rayne,
And with a quau'ring head, and half-shut eyes
As if forsooth of zeale his words did rise,
In verity he offers to detect
Infinit faults in now false Luther's sect.

You yourselues are they who lead a dissolute and carnal life, who crucifie Christ againe, who blaspheme his spirit, & contemne his grace &c. Menno Sim. fundam cap. de doctrin. Concionat.

carnal wayes, saith he, their soules they staine,

And Christ himself they crucify againe,
Blaspheme his spirit, and contemne his grace,

I know certainly that they haue not the spirit, mission, and word; and that in their doctrine and actions they seek no lesse then Papists the fauour of men, honour, pride, reuenues, beautiful houses &c. Ibid.

faire houses, and a wealthy place;

They climb the pulpit there to preach, yet none
Hath either Spirit, Word, or Mission.

They lead a quiet, idle, slouthful, & merry life, by seducings and flatteries they maintaine themselues with the robberies of Antichrist, and preach no more then an earthly and carnal Magistrate wil permit and heare &c. they by their dissolute and carnal doctrine haue brought dissolute and carnal people to such dishonest manners, and so licentious a life, that among the Turkes and Tartars there are not so vngodly and abominable people to be found. Id. de Christian. fide tit. de fide Luth.

wil they vtter nought that may appeare

At al distastful to their Princes eare.
They idly liue, and to relieue their need
On Antichrist's rich spoyles through flattery feed;
And to such loosnes al their flocks allure
As Turkes and Tartars are by much more pure.
But when this man, who with such zeale now burn's
Vnto Geneu' or Wittenberg returnes;
The Anabaptists straight, vnfit t' be nam'd,

The heresy of the Anabaptists of our age is a variable and monstrous chimera, bred of many heresies &c. Schlusselb. Catal. hæret. epist. Dedicat. l. 12.

of diuerse sects are fram'd,


Muntzer, Carlostadius, and such like of their sect are meer incarnate Diuels, &c. Luth. Colloq. Germ. fol. 153.

and those who of his doctrine share,

No men, but meere incarnate Diuels are.
Scarce any one but

Scarce can there be found any one Anabaptist, which holdeth not some one opinion or other contrary to the rest. Calu. Inst. aduers. Anabapt.

stil dissent's from other

And wil of errour charge his purest brother.


If after this he goe to Rome or Spaine
He Proteus-like transformes himself againe
Then he's a Roman Catholick, and saith,
That Rome's the Mother-Church: Her only faith
Is Orthodoxal, others doctrines he
Most iusty al condemn'd for heresy.
Yet after al these changes if he come,
A new Vlisses, to his natiue home,
He layes fast hold againe where he began.
Say, Is not Vafer a Religious man?

Al these brotherly attributes, and many more such like, are afforded them by Caluin, Admonit. 3. ad Westphalum