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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 39.
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Satire 39.

[Relcus, thy hart's an Inn, wherein men say]

Relcus , thy hart's an Inn, wherein men say
Lies witt; (that most right-worthy guest alwaie)
But honestie were vs'd to lodge with Witt;
Canst' tell me Relcus why he doth not it?
One Inn, one boord, one bedd, did once containe
Those famouse, Radiant & bright-shining twaine,
But now; Oh now! much I muse & wonder,
What cause they haue to put themselues assunder.
It's rare to see them two, together walke,
But farre more rare it is, to see them talke.
Faith Relcus do a charitable deede,
Releiue poore Honestie in time on's neede,
And Witt and hee together revnite,
Bith' deede much maiest thou merrit by this light.
Relodg them Relcus, bigg enough's thy harte,
And in't thou't shewe a wise and charitable parte.