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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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[Passus Quartus de Visione.]

Seseþ,” seide þe kyng “I suffre ȝou no more.
Ȝe schulle sauȝtene forsoþe and serue me boþe.
Cusse hire,” quaþ þe kyng “Concience, Ich hote.”
“Nay, be Crist,” quod Concience “Congeye me raþer!
Bote Reson Rede me þer-to Arst wol I dye!”
“And I comaunde þe,” quod þe kyng to Concience þenne,
“Þat þou Rape þe to ride And Reson þou fette;
Comaunde him þat he come my Counseil to here.
For he schal reule my Reame and Rede me þe beste
Of Meede, and of oþer mo and what mon schal hir wedde;
And A-Counte with Concience (so me [Crist] helpe!)
How þou ledest my peple Lered and Lewed.”
“I am Fayn of þat foreward” seide þe Freike þenne,
And Rod riht to [Reson] and Rouned in his Ere,


Seyde as þe kyng sende and seþþe tok his leue.
“I schal araye me to Ride,” quod Reson “Reste þe a while”—
And clepte Caton his knaue Curteis of speche—
“Sette my Sadel vppon Soffre- til-I-seo-my-tyme,
And loke þou warroke him wel wiþ swiþe feole gurþhes;
Hong on him an heui Bridel to bere his hed lowe,
Ȝit wol he make moni a whi er he come þere.”
Þenne Concience on his Capul Carieþ forþ Faste,
And Resun with him Rideþ Rappynge Swiþe;
Bote on a wayn [witti] and wisdame I-feere
Folweden hem faste for þei hedden to done
In Esscheker and Chauncelrie to ben descharget of þinges;
And Riden faste, for Reson schulde Reden hem þe beste
For to sauen hem-self from schome and from harme.
Bote Concience com arst to Court bi A Myle,
And Romede forþ bi Reson Riht to þe kyng.
Corteisliche þe kyng þenne com to Resoun,
Bitwene himself and his sone sette him on Benche,


And wordeden a gret while wysliche to-gedere.
Þene Pees com to parlement and put vp a Bille,
Hou þat Wrong aȝeyn his wille his wyf hedde I-take,
And [hou] he Rauischede Rose Reynaldes lemmon,
And Mergrete of hire Maydenhod maugre hire chekes.
“Boþe my Gees and my Grys [his] gadelynges fetten;
I dar not for dreede of hem fihte ne chide.
He Borwede of me Bayȝard and brouhte him neuer aȝeyn,
Ne no Ferþing him fore for nouȝt þat I con plede.
He meynteneþ his Men to Morþere myn owne,
Forstalleþ my Feire Fihteþ in my chepynges,
Brekeþ vp my Berne-dore and bereþ awei my whete,
And takeþ me bote a tayle of Ten quarter oten;
And ȝit he bat me þerto and liȝþ be my Mayden.
I nam not so hardi for him vp for to loke.”
Þe kyng kneuh he seide sooþ for Concience him tolde.
Wrong was a-Fert þo and Wisdam souhte
To Make his pees with pons and proferde forþ Moneye,


And seide, “Hedde I loue of þe kyng luite wolde I recche
Þauh pees and his pouwer playneden on me euere!”
Wisdam wente þo and so dude Wit,
And for wrong hedde I-do so wikked a dede
And warnede wrong þo with such a wys tale;
“Whose worcheþ bi wil wraþþe makeþ ofte;
I sigge hit bi þi-seluen þou schalt hit sone fynde.
Bote ȝif Meede make hit þi Mischef is vppe,
For boþe þi lyf and þi lond liȝþ in þe kynges grace.”
Wro[n]g þenne vppon Wisdom wepte to helpe,
Him for his handidandi Rediliche he payede.
Þene wisdam and wit wente to-gedere,
And nomen Meede with hem Merci to wynne.
Pees putte forþ his hed and his ponne blodi:
“Withouten gult, god wot gat I þis scaþe.”
Concience and þe kyng knewen þe soþe;
Wusten wel þat wrong was a schrewe euere.
But wisdam and wit weoren ȝeorne aboute faste


To ouercome þe kyng with [catel] ȝif heo mihten.
Þe kyng swor þo bi crist and bi his Coroune boþe,
Þat wrong for his werkes schulde wo þole,
And Comaundede A Constable to casten him in Irens.
“He ne schal þis seuen ȝer seon his feet ones.”
“God wot,” quaþ wisdam “þat weore not þe beste;
And he amendes make let Meynprise him haue;
And beo borw of his bale and buggen him bote,
And a-Menden his misdede and euer-more þe bettre.”
Wit a-Cordede herwith and seide him þe same:
“Hit is betere þat boote Bale a-doun bringe
Þen Bale be beten and boote neuer þe better.”
Þenne Meede Meokede hire And Merci bi-souhte,
And profrede pees a present al of pure Red gold:
“Haue þis of me,” quod heo “to Amende with þi scaþe,
For Ichul wage for wrong he wol do so no more.”
Pees þenne pitously preyede þe kyng
To haue merci on þat Mon þat mis-dude him ofte:
“For he haþ waget me a-mendes as wisdam him tauhte,
I Forȝiue him þat gult with a good wille;
So þat ȝe assented beo I con no more sigge;


For Meede haþ maad me amendes I may no more aske.”
“Nay,” quod þe kyng þo “(so god ȝiue me blisse!)
Wrong went not so awei til ich wite more;
Lope he so lihtliche awei lauȝwhen he wolde,
And eft be þe baldore forte beten myne [hynen;]
Bote Reson haue reuþe of him he resteþ in þe stokkes
Also longe as I lyue bote more loue hit make.”
Þenne summe Radde Reson to haue reuþe of þat schrewe,
And to Counseile þe kyng and Concience boþe,
Þat Meede moste be Meynpernour Reson heo bi-souȝte.
“Rede me not,” quod Reson “Reuþe to haue,
Til lordes, and ladies louen alle treuþe,
And perneles porfyl be put in heore whucche;
Til children Chereschinge be chastet wiþ ȝerdes,
Til harlotes holynesse be holden for an hyne;
Til Clerkes and knihtes ben Corteis of heore Mouþes,
And haten to don heor harlotrie and vsun hit no more;


Til prestes heore prechyng preuen hit in hem-seluen,
And don hit in dede to drawen vs to gode;
Til seint Iame beo I-souht þer I schal a-signe,
And no mon go to Galys bote he go for euere;
And alle Rome Renners for Robbeours of bi-ȝonde
Bere no seluer ouer see þat bereþ signe of þe kyng,
Nouþer Grotes ne gold I-graue with þe kynges Coroune,
Vppon Forfet of þat Fe hose hit fynde at douere,
Bote hit beo Marchaund oþur his men or Messager with lettres,
Or Prouisours or Preestes þat Popes a-vaunset.
And ȝit (quod Reson) bi þe Roode I schal no reuþe haue,
While Meede haþ eny Maystrie to Mooten in þis halle;
[Ac y mai schewe ȝow ensamples y seie be myselue].
For I sigge hit for my soule And hit so weore
Þat Ich weore kyng with Croune to kepen a Reame,
Scholde neuer wrong in þis world þat Ich I-wite mihte,
Ben vn-punissched beo my pouwer for peril of my soule!
Ne gete grace þorw ȝift (so me [god] helpe!)


Ne for Meede haue Merci but Mekenesse hit make.
For nullum malum þe Mon mette [with] inpunitum,
And bad nullum bonum be irremuneratum.
Let þi Clerk, sire kyng Construe þis in Englisch;
And ȝif þou worchest hit in wit Ich wedde boþe myn Eres,
Þat lawe schal ben a laborer and leden a-feld dounge,
And loue schal leden þi lond as þe leof lykeþ.”
Clerkes þat were confessours Coupled hem to-gedere,
Forte Construe þis Clause and distinkte hit after.
Whon Resun to þis Reynkes Rehersede þeose wordes,
Nas non in þat Moot-halle more ne lasse,
Þat ne held Reson a Mayster þo And Meede a muche wrecche.
Loue lette of Meede luite and louh hire to scorn,
And seide hit so loude þat soþnesse hit herde,
“Hose wilneþ hire to wyue for weolþe of hire godes,
Bote he beo A Cokewold I-kore cut of boþe myn Eres!”
Was nouþer wisdam þo ne witti his feere,


Þat couþe warpen a word to with-siggen Reson;
Bote stareden for studiing and stooden as Bestes.
Þe kyng acordede, bi crist to Resons Connynge,
And rehersede þat Reson hedde Rihtfoliche I-schewet:
“Bote hit is hard, be myn hed herto hit bringe,
Al my lige leodes to lede þus euene.”
“Bi him þat rauhte on þe Roode,” quod Reson to þe kyng,
“Bote I Rule þus þi Reame Rend out my Ribbes!
Ȝif hit beo so þat Boxumnesse beo at myn assent.”
“Ich assente,” quod þe kyng “bi seinte Marie mi ladi,
Beo my counseil I-come of Clerkes and of Erles.
Bote Rediliche Reson þou Rydest not heonnes,
For as longe as I liue lette þe I nulle.”
“Icham Redi,” quod Reson “to Reste with þe euere;
So þat Concience beo vr counseiler kepe I no betere.”
“I graunte gladly,” quod þe kyng “God forbeode he fayle
And also longe as I lyue leue we to-gedere.”