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Scena 1.
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Scena 1.

Hegio. Gripus.
Exil'd from mirth I wander up and downe,
Gall'd with loves tyranous torment, lo I ly,
Inthrall'd, and bound in Cupids golden chaines,
Perplext with wo, my feature all is blur'd
And chang'd, and I am Metamorphosed.

I am transformed too, O how hath passion
Thrust all my thoughts, and senses out of fashion.

My head of late was thatcht with yellow straw
Now it is perriwig'd with Winters gray.

My front as smooth as Ivory while ere
Now beares deepe furrowes, made by sorrowes plough,
In which the seeds of woe are scattered.

My eyes are Ilands, they're girt round about
With troubled Oceans, and tides of teares.

I spend those teares whose store will ne're be spent,
Yet shall I want teares; before cause of them.
My Mira score not up my cares, and feares,
Nor keep a Catalogue of my sad teares.

Quotidian feavers of reproch and scorue,
Have chill'd the vigour of my wounded heart,
Yet by the scorching raies of Daris eyes,
It still is ignifi'd and glowes, and flames,


O Daris let the showres of thy love
Asswage the glowing fire of my passion.

If I should put to Sea and boldly plough
The glassie face of Neptune, love would be
My Pylot. If perchance I walke abroad
For recreation, my companion
Is love, the fruitlesse love, of coy Mira.

When the soft charmes of labour chasing sleepe
Seize with their downy wings upon my eyes,
When heavy Morpheus with his leaden keyes
Close up my watchfull senses, love's my pillow.

Me thinks the gentle gales of winds that move
The trembling boughs, and through their palsie leaves,
Breath musicke, whisper Mira's name to me.

Me thinks the notes of all the chirping birds
Are chang'd, and warble nought but Daris name.

Me thinks that Eccho which doe alwaies speak
In answer to my sighs, say Mica's coy.
Tis true, Diana hath more Nimphs then one
In store, but no fruit else will please my taste,
But what Hesperides garden brought forth,
No colour please my eye but that which was
Stained by the fish Maurieticall,
And none but Mira can my fancy move.
O Mira that my heart were flint like thine,
Or thine were soft, and plyable, like mine.

The birds wander in the flowrie fields
In the wild benefit of nature, live
Happier then we; for they may choose their mates,
And carroll their sweet pleasures to the Spring,


Whilst I doe languish like a a Plant in drought,
And lay all pickled up in briny teares.
Great Jove who setst upon thy Saphire throne,
Spangled with Starrs, Remember, Venus sonne
Transfixt his darts in thy celestiall breast,
And learne to pitty slighted Lovers by
The pangs you felt in that extremity.

Sacred Apollo call to minde the time
When thou wert beauty blasted, as I am,
And if thy ayre dividing dart can't make
Mira to love, let them make Gripus dye.

And thou faire Paphian Queen (cause of my wo)
Thy self didst once implore Adonis love,
Prove you as kind, I'me tortur'd on thy rack,
Ease my sad soule, or cause my heart-strings crack.
