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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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[Some gallant spreits desyrouse of renowne]

Some gallant spreits desyrouse of renowne,
To climb wt pain Parnassus do aspyre.
By Natour some do weir ye Lawrell croun,
And some the poet proues for hoip of hyre.
Bot none of those my spirits doth inspyre,
My muse is more admird then all the nyne,
Quho doth infuse my breast wt sacred fyre
To paint hir foorth most heavinly and dewyne.
Hir worth I raise in Elegiak lyne;
In Lyricks sueit hir beuties I extoll;
The brave Heroik doth hir rair ingyne
In tyme's im̄ortal register enroll:
Since thou of me hath maid thy poet, then
Be bold, (sueit Lady), to imploy my pen.