University of Virginia Library



At Nycht Sir Morpheus opprest
Vith dreidfull dreame this hart of myn;
Me thocht I vas vp hichlie drest
Amongs the mychtie Musis nyn,
Quhair Iupiter his place possest
Vith all the glorious gods celest.
The vatrie Neptune did I sie
Vith aufull statlie stalwart Mars,
Quhom venus vith hir smyling ie
Alluird, And did his raidge dispars:
And Mercure als in his degrie
Cam vith the smythe vulcanus slie.
The brycht Apollo thair did scheine
Amyds tham vith his harpe deuyn:
And litill cumlie Cupid keine
Vith boudin Bachus set vas syn
Besyd the christall fontan cleine,
That Pegasus did perce I meine.
Both demie Gods And Nymphis ran,
And Atropus amyds the thrang,
Quha cuts the threid that cloto span,
The quhilk lachesis draws out lang:
proud Pluto als that elresche man
Comperit vith the pastor Pan.


The prudent puissant Pallas queine
Vith gentill Iuno did I sie,
And chast Diana cled in greine
Quha causit Acteon to die,
Because he haid hir nakit seine
At bathing vith hir virgins scheine.
The frostie auld Saturnus snell
Austeirlie sat amongs the rest,
Quhois scharpe seueir resemblance fell
Did all the heawenlie Gods molest,
Quhois qualetie quyt did expell.
Maist gentill Iowe the forme did tell;
“Ve vill,” (sayis he), “bring to this place
Sum amiabill man discreit,
Quhois plesand speitche And cumlie face
May all our sour translait in sueit:
Than chose him at this instant space,
Quho is adornd vith euerie grace;
And I my Egle sall derect
Doune from the loftie skyis cleir,
for to transport this man elect
To be deificat vp heir.”
That gratious Gods than did expect
fair Phebus vill in this effect,
Quho promeissit to scherse him far,
In compassing this vorld about,
Quho mycht Saturnus baill debar.
Bot than of ȝow I haid sik dout,
That from my sleip soon did I skar
And feruentlie bids ȝow bewar.