University of Virginia Library

ELEGIA. 4. Ad virum seruantem coniugem.

Rvde man, 'tis vaine, thy damsell to commend,
To keepers trust: their wits should them defend.
Who, without feare, is chast: is chast in sooth:
Who, because meanes want, doeth not she doth.
Though thou her body guard, her minde is staind,
Nor, least she will, can any be restrainde.
Nor canst by watching keepe her minde from sinne,
All being shut out, th'adulterer is within.
Who may offend, sinnes least; power to do ill,
The fainting seedes of naughtinesse doth kill.
Forbeare to kindle vice by prohibition,
Sooner shall kindnesse gaine thy wills fruition.
I saw a horse against the bitte stiffe-neckt,
Like lightning go, his strugling mouth being checkt.
When he perceiu'd the raines let slack, he stayd,
And on his loose mane the loose bridle laid.
How to attaine, what is denyed, we thinke,
Euen as the sick desire forbidden drinke.
Argus had either way an hundred eyes.
Yet by deceit loue did them all surprize,
In stone, and yron walles Danae shut,
Came forth a mother, though a maide there put.
Penelope, though no watch look'd vnto her,
Was not defil'd by any gallant wooer.
What's kept, we couet more: the care makes theft,
Few loue, what others haue vnguarded left.
Nor doth her face please, but her husbands loue;
I know not, what men thinke should thee so moue.

She is not chast that keepes away her loue.
Thy feare, is then her body, valued more.
Although thou chafe, stolne pleasure is sweet play,
She pleaseth best, I feare, if any say.
A free-borne wench, no right 'tis vp to lock,
So vse we women of strange nations stock.
Because the keeper may come say, I did it,
She must be honest to thy seruants credit.
He is too clownish, whom a lewd wife grieues,
And this townes well knowne custome not beleeues.
Where Mars his sonnes not without fault did breed,
Romus and Romulus, Ilias twine-borne seed.
Cannot a faire one, if not chast, please thee?
Neuer can these by any meanes agree.
Kindly thy mistresse vse, if thou be wise,
Looke gently, and rough husbands lawes despise.
Honour what friends, thy wife giues, sheele giue many,
Least labour thou shalt winne great grace of any,
So shalt thou go with youths to feasts together,
And see at home much, that thou nere brought'st thither.