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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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[Invest my head with fragrant Rose]

Invest my head with fragrant Rose
That on fair Flora's bosome grows!
Distend my veins with purple juyce
That mirth may through my soul diffuse!
'Tis Wine and Love, and love in wine,
Inspires our youth with flames divine.
Thus crown'd with Paphian myrtle, I
In Cyprian shades wil bathing lie,
Whose snow if too much cooling, then
Bacchus shal warm my blood agen.
'Tis Wine and Love, &c.
Life's short, and winged pleasures flie;
Who mourning live, do living die:
On down and flouds then Swan-like I
Wil stretch my limbs, and singing die.
'Tis Wine and Love, and love in wine
Inspires our youth with flames divine.