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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 41. Beatus vir, qui intelligit.

Ad Præstantem, Psalmus David.


Blest is the man, that wisely weigh
the poore-afflicted can:
Deliverance in the evill day,
the Lord will send that man.


Him shall the Lord preserve alive,
and keep on earth to blesse:
Him to his foes thou shalt not give,
their soule shall not possesse.


The Lord upholds his feeble head
upon his couch of paine:
Turnes in his sicknesse all his bed,
returnes his health againe.


I said in depth of my distresse,
Be gracious, Lord, to mee:
O heale my soule, whose sinfulnesse
hath sore offended thee.


On mee mine enemies exclaime,
and evill of mee say:
When shall he die? when shall his name
with him be cast away?


And if to visit mee he come,
his heart vaine falshood speakes:


Iniquitie, his errands summe,
at his returne forth breakes.


All they that hate mee, on a knot,
against mee whisp'ring swarme:
Against mee they this evill plot,
devis'd to doe mee harme.


“An evill doome on him is past,
“which he deserv'd before:
And now (say they) that he lies fast,
let him rise up no more.


Yea, in my peace the man so great,
to speciall trust receiv'd:
Which of my bread did also eate,
his heele against mee heav'd.


Be gracious, Lord, to mee therefore,
and raise mee up againe;
And I to them shall then restore,
like payment for their paine.


By this I know thou favour'st mee,
that though my foes assaile:
Triumphers yet they shall not be,
against mee, nor prevaile.


But mee, in mine integritie
thy hand doth still uphold:
And set mee, where eternally
thy face I may behold.


The Lord, the God of Israel,
be blest for ever then:
Let age to age eternall tell
his praise: Amen, Amen.