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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To the intire Body of the Kinges Maiesties most Honorable Privie Councell.

Where Loue devided is, shee hardly can
Be like her selfe; But, when shee is intire,
In sacred flames shee burnes more hot then fire,
Bee it in abstract Formes; or mortall Man.
Yet Loue, and reverence are due to those
Whose, wakefull wits still worke for publike good;
So rev'rence I your honor'd Fatherhood,
As Founts from whom our publike proffit floes.
In you wise Pilots of this ioy-fraught Barke
(Barke of our blessed Common-weale) it is
To make her keepe her course in lasting blisse,
Which charge requires your well-directing carke:
You cannot better spend lifes benefit
Then for so good an ende, at Sterne to sit.
I. D.