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The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ouidius Naso, In Englishe Verse

set out and translated by George Turberuile ... with Aulus Sabinus Aunsweres to certaine of the same

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The Argument of the xx. Epistle, entituled Acontius to Cydippe.
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The Argument of the xx. Epistle, entituled Acontius to Cydippe.

To Delos, where the rites
were done to Dians grace
Acontius trauailde, many Nymphes
and Maydens were in place.
A troupe to Temple came,
but one aboue the rest
(Cydippe namde,) with louing dart
did craze Acontius brest.
Who for he saw the wight
vnegall in estate:
Surmisde he should not for his lyfe
haue giuen hir the mate.
Yet naythelesse at length
he bourded hir with guile:
And in a goodly Apple did
inclose this craftie stile.
By Dians sacred rytes
and misteries I sweare,
That I will make repaire to thee
and be thy freendly Feare.
In Temple at hir feete
he floong the flattring frute
She tooke it vp, and reade the rymes
Cydippe woxe as mute.


As fish, and Scarlet red
hir lyllie Cheekes became:
For hauing made a vowe she knewe
she should obserue the same.
For what so was beheight
before Dianas face,
By commen order was decreede
should take effect and place.
Hir Father after this
vnwitting of the othe
His daughter made, Cydippe to
another did betrothe.
Meanewhile the sillie wench
with Feuers was opprest,
And fealt a thousand furious fits
ybreeding hir vnrest.
Acontius in his lynes
induceth hir to think
This Feuer falne by Dians wrath,
forcause she sought to shrinck.
And false hir plighted fayth
in presence and in place
Of all those sacred Saintes, but most
of good Dianas grace.