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The Musyque of the beautie of his Mistresse Diana. Composed by John Soowthern ... and dedicated to the right Honorable, Edward Deuer, Earle of Oxenford, &c

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An other.

[Idall, for Adon, neu'r shed so many teares]

Idall, for Adon, neu'r shed so many teares:
Nor Thet', for Pelid: nor Phœbus, for Hyacinthus:
Nor for Atis, the mother of Prophetesses:
As for the death of Bulbecke, the Gods haue cares.
At the brute of it, the Aphroditan Queene,
Caused more siluer to distyll fro her eyes:
Then when the droppes of her cheekes raysed Daisyes:
And to die with him, mortall, she would haue beene.
The Charits, for it breake their Peruqs, of golde:
The Muses, and the Nymphes of Caues: I beholde:

All the Gods vnder Olympus are constraint,
On Laches, Clothon, and Atropos to plaine.
And yet beautie, for it dooth make no complaint:
For it liu'de with him, and died with him againe.