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Sonetto. 13.

Sonetto. 13.

[When Lordlin Tytan lodged in the west]

When Lordlin Tytan lodged in the west,
And Ebon darknes ou'r-swayde the light,
Latonas beams decreasing were supprest,
When silent streames did murmur there delight.
Then I entrench'd neere to a noble marke,
With courage bould a speare I tooke in hand,
To wyn my will fired with honours sparke,
Or loose my life in my commaunders band.
My speare I broke vpon my gentle foe,
Which being perform'd the second I did charge,
But honours force would not be quailed so:
The third I tooke my thoughts for to enlarge;
Then call'd I was for treason armes to take,
And wisedome would my former charge forsake.