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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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But tell me ; Unregarding; what shewst thou heere for Auctoritee/
Like vnto Mee so fyne/that am helde as

Apo. 17.18.

a Prophet, in eury Lande.

For tis now almost all Good-thinking, what any one doth Understande:
In this sort am I gotten, to be Cheefe aboue thee.

How shouldst thou haue made the man beleeue anything if hee
Had not first ; through Mee; growen to be so negligent?


Freend Unregarding, what are thy pleasant Pads of Meryment?
They are nothiug-at-al, except my Exhortation be theare.
I haue surely caught euryone, with in Good-thinkings Snare.
For in Mee, then do almost all, seeke their

Sap. 2.a. Rom. 1. 5.

Comfort at all Seasons.

And out Good-thinkings Theame, then do also frame ther Reasons.
Thus hast thou nothing like Mee, thou vnregarding Pratler.

Thou mayst well holde thy peace, thou dissembling Tatler/
For with thy Babling, thou bringst Men into Afflictions store/
To that they ; by meanes of theer enuy each other very sore.
Thou makst the People rebellious, with thy Seede of Dissention.
But I Unregarding, do only Mirth frame and mencion.
So much ; thou Hipocrite; am I nobler then Thou.