University of Virginia Library



Mamma, I've lost my thimble,
And my spool has roll'd away;
My arms are aching dreadfully,
And I want to go and play.
I 've spent the livelong morning,
Picking out this endless seam,
So many pieces in a shirt,
Is quite a foolish scheme.
If I could set the fashion,
I know what I would do;
I 'd not be troubling people,
And make them sit and sew.
I 'd put some homespun on their necks,
And sew it all around;
And make them look like cotton bags,
Placed endwise on the ground.


I hate to make these button holes,
I do not love to stitch;
My threads keep breaking all the time,
With just a little twitch.
There 's Johnny playing marbles,
And Susan skipping rope,
They have finished all their easy tasks,
While I must sit and mope.
I think, mamma, 't is very hard,
That you should keep me here,
When the blue sky looks so temptingly,
And the sun is shining clear.
Mamma! She's gone and left me,
And closely shut the door;
Mamma! mamma! come back again,
I will not grumble more.
Oh, dear! how foolish I have been—
From dinner I must stay;
Mamma, mamma, come back again,
Forgive your child, I pray.
Alas, she 's reached the balcony,
And means not to return;
Oh, what a look she cast on me,
So sad and yet so stern.