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Geography? Yes, there's a lesson each day,
But it 's awfully hard to remember.
We 've been in South Africa nearly a month;
Perhaps we'll go north by November.
What history have we? It 's quite a big book,
Without any pictures—the bother!
To-day I was told I 'd sustained a defeat
In the Battle of—something or other.
Arithmetic? Oh, it 's the bane of my life!
No matter how hard I may study,
My knowledge of dividends, fractions and rules,
Continues unchangeably muddy.
Proficient in spelling? I hope that I am,
Though I shine less as writer than talker,
And don't mind confessing how often I use
A pocket-edition of Walker.
I write compositions? Of course; once a week;
We 've such a dull subject to-morrow!
I manage to spin out a page and a half,
Though lots of girls copy and borrow.


You ask me which lesson of all I prefer?
You'll think my reply most alarming.
In French we 've a gentleman teacher, you know,
And somehow it 's perfectly charming.