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“All things are yours.”

1 Corinthians iii. 21.

Behold the grant the King of kings
Hath to his subjects given:
“All things are yours,” it saith; all things
That are in earth and heaven.
The saints are yours, to guide you home,
And bless you with their prayers;
The world is yours, to overcome
Its pleasures and its cares;
And life is yours, to give it all
To works of faith and love;
And death is yours, a welcome call
To higher joys above;


All present things are yours: whate'er
God's providence decreed,
Is from his treasures culled with care,
And sent to suit thy need;
And things to come are yours; and all
Shall ever ordered be,
To keep thee safe, whate'er befall,
And work for good to thee;
And Christ is yours—his sacrifice,
To speak your sins forgiven;
His righteousness the only price
That thou canst pay for heaven.
Thus God is yours—thus reconciled,
His love your bliss secures,
The Father looks upon the child
And saith, “All things are yours.”