University of Virginia Library



Outing Club meeting 7:30 in the
informal lounge.

Anthropology Association –
meeting 7:00 p.m. 0 Wilson
Hall, primate films on baboon
and Langur behavior and social

Prospective French majors will
meet in Newcomb Hall, 4B, 4:00

Information meeting for all
prospective undergraduate majors
in Anthropology on 2:00 p.m. in
Rm. 222 Cabell Hall.

Bannas – important meeting
Wed. night at St. Anthony Hall,
9:00 p.m., concerning plans for this

Cville Food Co-op meeting 7:00
Prism, feart and business, bring
food, orders, and ideas. No orders
accepted at Clinic. (t-w)


Human Relations committee
meeting 8 p.m., 4B Newcomb. All
members,please attend.

Person to live with family as
companion to physically
handicapped son. Will pay. Call
Madison Hall: 977-7051. *(w-t)

Meeting of the Counselors
Committee on Human Sexuality
5:45 p.m., Webb conference room.

Bicycle club meeting 7:30 p.m.
Rm. 4B Newcomb Hall. Plans for
trips to Richmond, Scottsville, and
Sunday rides announced. Slide
show of fll rides. Everyone invited.

Cave Club meeting in 4A at 7:30.

Gay Student Union meeting Thurs.
9:00 p.m. United Ministries (across
from Memorial Gym).

Meeting for all prospective English
majors 7:30 p.m. in Wilson 0.

Organizational meeting for all
interested undergraduates for
History undergraduates Council,
7:30 p.m., Grad. lounge – Randall.

Bridge Club – 7:30 p.m., Dogwood
room, rating points available.

Engineering Council meeting, 7:30,
M.E. Reading room. All interested
engineers invited.

"Salt"& those interested planning
for Historic Preservation Week meet
Thur. April 12. 9:00 p.m. Rm. 120,
Campbell Hall.

All women invited. Charlottesville
Women's Liberation meeting,
Sunday at 8 p.m. at the Wesley


Hillel Foundation – Sat. April 14,
Sabbath morning service, 10:30
a.m. followed by luncheon.
Reservations, 295-4963. *(w-t)

WUVA Radio: 640 AM. 89 cable
stereo. Listen Tuesday mornings,
midnight until a.m. *(w-t)

Small World Experiment
participants; please continue the
chain! *(w-t)

Any photographer, writer, typist,
or artist who wants to work on the
1974 Corks & Cur should attend
meeting 4/11 6:00 p.m. in C&C
office *(t-w)

Counseling Center problem solving
seminar offered on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, 1-2 p.m., April 17-May
, Call 924- by April 13th.