University of Virginia Library



Supper Celebration sponsored by
Basic Encounter Programs, a festive
evening of refreshment and
reflection. 6:00 p.m., Wesley
Foundation. Reservations

Needed at VPI as a critic on
pseudo universities. Must have ride
sometime Friday. Call 295-1353.
Ask for Hank Howell.

Joint concert by the University of
Virginia Glee Club and the
Chatham College Choir from
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Friday
night at 8:30 in Cabell Hall

Graduate Christian Fellowship,
Friday November 12, 8:00 PM Apt
8,1500 Grady Ave.

Biology Seminar, Dr. Alvin Nason
of Johns Hopkins University, 4:00
p.m., Rm. 150 Gilmer Hall.


Italian Circle—Gathering of all
interested speakers of Italian.
Monday 8:30 P.M. 1938 Lewis
Mountain Road.

Meeting of Asian Studies Students
Association In Graduate Student
Lounge on Monday at 3:30 P.M.


India Association presents "Teesri
Manzil" in color with English
subtitles in Gilmer Hall Auditorium
on Saturday at 6:30 P.M.

Peace Corps and Vista
representatives Newcomb Hall on
Monday, November 15 through
Wednesday, November 17 for those
who wish to apply to the Peace
Corps and Vista.

CAN I MAKE IT? A new book by
a recent graduate for prospective
law students. Send $2.95 Kroos
Press, Box 3709A Milwaukee, Wis.

SONGWRITERS: Give me tapes of
your songs, I'll return you neat,
readable lead sheet copies.

South America, Asia, Australia,
U.S.A. Openings in all fields-Social
Sciences. Business, Sciences,
Engineering, Education, etc. Alaska
construction and pipeline work.
Earnings to $500 weekly. Summer
or permanent. Paid expenses,
bonuses, travel. Complete current
information-only $3.00. Money
back guarantee. Apply early for
best opportunities-write now!!!
International employment. Box
712-V91, Peabody, Massachusetts
01960 (Not an employment

If you are traveling to Europe this
summer, would you like to earn a
week aboard a barge cruising
through France? Phone after 9:00
p.m. 295-3538.

St. Anne's Junior Bazaar Friday,
November 12th at 2:30 Hand-made
items at low prices.