University of Virginia Library

Housing Dilemma

Apart from academics, planning
also seems to be lacking in
considering the other areas of the
University that are destined to be
affected by increased enrollment.
Quality housing is one of these
problems. Upperclassmen have
already been pushed out of most of
the newer Alderman Road
Dormitories to make room for
freshmen and freshwomen and are
searching for reasonably price
off-Grounds Housing. The search
for such housing is, luckily, only a
temporary problem. Accompanying
the continued growth of the
University is continued building of
apartments. One apartment owner,
in reflecting on the matter, stated
that in a few years, the supply of
apartments will probably
oversupply the demand and prices
will fall.

The dilemma of on Grounds
Housing and the decline of an
"academic village" will continue
however. As one person whom I
admire very much put it this
summer, living off the Grounds at
the University is like attending
almost any small-town school in the
nation. Unfortunately, the building
of the new dormitories will not
help this Housing Situation.