University of Virginia Library

Badminton Tourney

Badminton competition has
reached the fourth round and Phi
Kap, Zete and Phi Delt stand to
improve their chances in the event.
St. A's has also been impressive.
Among individual performers, Dick
Carrington (Phi Kap), Stokes
Grymes (Phi Kap) and Rick Lutz
(DU), have proved tough

Putt-Putt has only reached the
second round. Gib Walton of Zete,
the defending champion, suffered a
first-round setback, and in other
action Phi Kap, Phi Delt and PEP
have shown to be formidable as
house entries. Golf activity has just
been finished in the first round and
is in too early a stage to predict.