University of Virginia Library

Team Comedian

Neil Johnson and Mike Maloy
are reliable replacements at
forward. Johnson, a four-year
veteran of the NBA (New York and
Phoenix Suns), is the team's
comedian. Jocular though he is
does not mean the opposition is in
for any laughs, as Neil has steadily
shone on defense, has gone to the
boards well, and has chipped in key
baskets in several recent games. In
the other alley for the "Suicide
Squad" is newcomer Mike Maloy.
Straight from Davidson College (via
a brief stop with the Pittsburgh
Condors, who released him to the
Squires because he was
"overweight") Maloy is a strong
rebounder and also moves well
without the ball, which enables him
to spring free for layups underneath
the basket.