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Civil Liberties Of Dope

The Winston Smith Society is a
group attempting to end the injustice
being done to the millions who
smoke marijuana in America.

The society is raising the necessary
funds by selling plastic reproductions
of a marijuana plant. The
funds generated from this effort are
being donated to the National
Office of the American Civil Liberties
Union for exclusive use in the
ACLU's Marijuana Civil Liberties
Project. Any excess funds will be
used to conduct comprehensive research
into all aspects of the marijuana

Conceived By ACLU

The Marijuana Civil Liberties
Project (MCLP) was conceived and
formulated by the ACLU when that
organization became alarmed at the
growing number of illegal and unconstitutional
marijuana arrests,
many of which were (and are) used
as thinly disguised excuses for political,
racist and ethnic repression.

The MCLP is designed to utilize
the ACLU's extensive network of
national and local facilities in a
coordinated effort to: 1. contest
unconstitutional marijuana laws 2.
defend people charged with violations
of such laws 3. appeal convictions
under such laws to higher
courts. Because the ACLU has been
most successful in the areas of civil
rights, abortion reform and other
efforts, the Winston Smith society
is confident that the MCLP will
yield positive results.


The Society's appeal has received
an encouraging response, but
its goal is far from being realized.
To bring its campaign to a successful
end, the Society will furnish
speakers and public service advertisements
to all concerned communications
media upon request.
Help is both solicited and welcome
from organizations in fund raising,
gathering signatures on petitions
and forwarding any and all pertinent
information concerning marijuana.

Concerned individuals who wish
to help can order a 21" high reproduction
of a marijuana plant by
sending $2.00 (postage included)
INC., P.O. BOX 13050, PHILA.,
PA. 19101. If he or she wishes,
each person who orders a plant
becomes a JOINT MEMBER of the
Society (good until 1984).

Active Participation

The Winston Smith Society is
attempting to end the present marijuana
injustice by inviting the active
and direct participation of those
most seriously endangered by marijuana
laws. A spokesman for the
Society stated that "... if only a
fraction of American marijuana
users participate in our efforts, we
would have the political and financial
support needed to mount a
serious and effective campaign
against repressive, unjust and unconstitutional
marijuana "laws"."

Due to the fact that an estimated
20 million Americans are in
favor of marijuana legalization, it is
inevitable that such a change will
come about. Meanwhile, people run
the risk of being branded felons for
doing what James Goddard, former
head of the U.S. Public Health
Service, said is no more dangerous
that drinking a cocktail.