University of Virginia Library


All University Notices must be in
this office no later than 12:00 AM
to appear in next issue.


AL LOWENSTEIN helped you by
dumping Lyndon Johnson. Now he
needs your help. Al Lowenstein
Committee of the NDC' Sign up
2nd floor Newcomb Hall. Meeting
tonight, New Chem. Aud.

IFC Meeting for all kitchen
managers, 3:30, 4-D Newcomb

ROY WHITE. Democratic peace
candidate for Congress in the sixth
District, will talk about the election
at 7:30 PM in the new Chemistry
Aud. All invited.

NEW Democratic Coalition's first
meeting, after the Roy White
speech in the new Chemistry Bldg.
All interested in working in the
election and registration drives
should attend.

STUDENT A.C.L.U. Meeting, 7:30
PM Newcomb Hall.

MEETING OF Executive Board
members at 8:00 PM in Rotunda.

FILM Series - Russians are Coming
Starring Alan Arkin. 7:00 and 9:30
Newcomb Ballroom Adm..75

RIFLE and PISTOL Club meeting
7:30, Maury Hall Aud. Interested
Students welcome. Coeds invited to
begin basic pistol training for
Women's Varsity Pistol Team.
Officers and team members please
contact Duckworth at 225 Tuttle

Eli Bannana Meeting - 8:30 at
Sigma Alpha Epsilon House.

UVA SAILING Association
meeting, 7:30 Rm 4-B Newcomb

New and Old members welcome.
Boats have arrived.

BLACK Students for Freedom
Meeting at 7:00 PM South Meeting
Rm., Newcomb Hall. Members
urged to attend.

Cave Club Meeting 7:30, Room 4-C
Newcomb Hall. All attend.

Spirit Club Meeting Alumni Hall,
8:00 PM Elections.


MAKE-up Examination for
International Relations 152 will be
held Friday from 3-6 PM in Rm
Cabell Ha 2 6.

Evening Dell-Dinner at 6:00 PM;
phone 295-4963 for reservations.
Evening Service at 6:45 PM

JEFFERSON Society presents Prof.
James Childrens speaking on "Civic
Disobedience". Jefferson Hall, West
Range. Regular meeting, 7:29 PM
ROCK Concert 7-12 Ballroom,
$1.00 Serpentine Wall, Reflexions,
and Crystal.


THE Graduate Wives in Arts and
Science will have a fashion show
and informal reception in honor of
wives of new graduate students on
Sunday at 2:30 PM in the Wesley
Foundation Bldg.

ALL off grounds linen service
subscribers are reminded to pick up
their initial linen not at the Echols
Basement Office, Mon.-Thurs. 4-6

All persons wishing to join the Pep
Band must sign up by noon Sat.
(band bulletin board, 15A Old
Cabell Hall) All welcome. Next
Tues, is last rehearsal.

AT THE PRISM: Friday: Wil Smith
; Saturday: Phyllis Knight and Cris
Crum. Contemporary and Original
Folk Music, 50, Doors open 8:00.

All students are invited to the
opening of New College Center at
Sweet Briar College Friday Night at
8:00. Live bands and free food will
be available, and beer and wine may
be purchased at the center at
reasonable rates.

SUN. Film Series - Treasure of
Sierra Madre, Humphrey Bogart.
Walker Huston, Newcomb Ballroom
7:00 & 9:00 PM. 75

BARBECUE - Mixer, Sat. at
Randolph-Macon; Bus will leave
Page at 5:00 Limited number of
tickers on sale at Main Desk,
Newcomb. Tickets not needed for
Admittance, only for bus.

YOUNG Republican Club will
sponsor a campaign workshop Sat.,
Wilson Hall, beginning at 11:30.
There will be a band, girls at the
party, $3.50 per person.

GIRLS!!!! Are you interested in
learning to play tennis? The
intramural and physical education
departments are sponsoring a girls
tennis class which will meet from
3:15 PM to 4:15 PM. One section
will meet Monday and Wednesday
afternoons; the other Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons. Classes will
begin Monday, October 5. Further
information may be obtained at
either room 11 or Room 17
Memorial Gymnasium.

A Touch Football Rules clinic will
be held for all interested persons on
Thursday, Sept. 24, at 4:00 PM in
the Lecture Room, Memorial Gym.
All individuals who wish to referee
Intramural Touch Football this fall
must attend this meeting. If you
cannot attend please contact Mr.
Lafley at the Intramural
Department, Room 11 in Memorial
Gym. Team captains and other
interested persons are invited to

A Group of Medical students are
planning a phone 24 hours a day to
provide drug information and
emergency help. Number is

Buy and Self your books at the
Union of UVA Students' Book
Exchange Basement of Newcomb
Hall. 9:00 AM to 5 PM, Mon.-Fri.
Exchange is operated on a
non-profit basis. All books

LSAT Applicants: Sept.25 is
dead-line to file for early fall LSAT
exam. Application forms may be
picked up at the Placement Office.

NOTICE of Make-up exam for
Physics 10 Sept. 25, 5:00 PM Rm
203, Physics building. (Dr. Le
and Dr. LSAT
Sept. 25 is dead-line to file for early
fall LSAT exam. Application forms
may be picked up at the Placement

ODK - will not meet this week due
to Pros. Shannon's ankle injury.
Members will receive notification of
first meeting - early Oct.

Students who worked for the
Registrar during fall registration can
turn in their signed time sheets to
Mrs. Arnette in the Registrar's

On September 23 or later, these
students must bring their social
security cards in to Mrs. Arnette,
before time sheets can be turned in
for payment.

MEETING of 1st yearman's tryout
Freshman Basketball team. Sept.
29, 7:00PM Univ. Hall.

Position open for recording Sec. for
Student Council. Apply at Student
Gov. Office, 4th floor, Newcomb
Hall.-Position pays 2.00 per hr. and
entails taking minutes for the
Council meetings.