The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, February 26, 1969 | ||
BE A FLYING ace — see the
Naval Aviation Officer's Recruiting
Team, Newcomb Hall today.
Flights in a Navy trainer for qualified
noon-2 p.m., 5-7 p.m. For appt. call
9-5, 296-7208; 7-1 a.m., 296-8849.
"LIFE AT LAW School."
Several law students will discuss law
school academics, activities and
future opportunities. Room 4C,
Newcomb Hall, 8 p.m. Public
NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy
present Dr. J. Gaustad of U. of
California speaking on "Interstellar
and Circumstellar Dust" at 4 p.m.,
NRAO Aud., Edgemont Rd.
coffee hour at Graduate Lounge, 5
CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.
CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria, all bridge players
HUMAN Relations Council
meeting, South Meeting Room, 8
RAVEN Society will hold an
election meeting Thursday at 7:30
p.m., in the Graduate Lounge, West
Range. Refreshments.
"THE RUSSIANS are Coming"
Thursday movie, Newcomb Hall
Ballroom at 7 and 9:15. Fifty
DIVING CLUB meeting at 9:30
in room 4C, Newcomb Hall. Election
of officers. Ratification of
constitution and plans for trip to
CIRCLE K meeting at 7 p.m.,
room 4B, Newcomb Hall.
Cheerleaders at 6:30, ZBT house.
All must come and bring sweaters.
COMPUTER — The Users'
Group of Computer Science Center
will present a lecture on "Hardware-Oriented
Efficient Programming
Methods on the B-5500"
Thursday, 5-6 p.m., room B-23,
Gilmer Hall.
JEFFERSON Society Probationaries
important meeting Friday at
4:30, Jefferson Hall. If cannot
attend call Jim Mazacoufa at
Z 99-55-3844.
VA. PLAYERS will present
"Luv," a comedy by Murray
Schisgal March 10-15. Tickets may
be obtained by calling 924-3051
2-5 p.m. Students only $1 Monday
and Tuesday nights. Curtain time is
8 p.m.
course: students weekly visit to
mental patients at Western State.
Experimental U. course this semester.
Register at Experimental U.
office or call 296-9042, Lon Davis.
DONATE to the University
Blood Drive Monday-Friday, 9-5,
6-9 p.m. Blood Bank, Barringer
wing of U. hospital.
13 SOCIETY and ODK have
mail in Student Govt. office.
DEADLINE for signing up for
1969 Corks and Curls is March 1.
After this date all subscriptions will
be $12.50 instead of $10. Subscriptions
taken 2-5 p.m., 5th floor,
Newcomb Hall.
ARMY ROTC is accepting applications
for 2 year program. Deadline
is Feb. 28. Inquire at ROTC
administrative office, room B30
ENGINEERS — undergraduate
and graduate. If you are interested
in summer employment, the Engineering
Council urges you to
contact Mrs. W. Moody of the Va.
Engineering Foundation located in
Hough House (adjacent to Thornton
Hall) before Feb. 28. The
Summer Job Clearing House of the
VEF provides an excellent opportunity
to learn about the engineering
profession while also making
considerable earnings.
ENTRIES in all categories of the
Fine Arts contest are now being
returned to U. Union office, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall.
PERSONS interested in joining
the American Civil Liberties Union,
contact Gerald McFarren at
ATTENTION students — Rapier
needs advertising and business personnel.
Call 2-5 p.m., 295-3070, at
the Prism.
THE STUDENTS for Responsible
Leadership, who have put up
posters explaining why C. Stuart
Wheatley should leave the Board of
Visitors, are not the same group as
the "Student Coalition."
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, February 26, 1969 | ||