University of Virginia Library



IBM Selectric unused, 3 years
old. Call 296-6890.

16 foot Chrysler fiberglass boat
75 hp. motor and heavy duty
trailer, must sell $1,300 or best
offer. Call 296-0101 9:30-5 weekdays.

Northland skis and Cubco bindings
$35, Dachstein boots $30,
poles and car rack. Call 293-7160.

Ben Hogan golf clubs. Regular
shaft, D-2 weight. Phone 296-7000.
Ask for Bobbie.

Skis Blizzard super Epoxi RS,
205 cm. Call 295-5356.

58 Corvette convertible excellent
condition, new paint, must sell
$775. Call Kent 296-2290.

Office typewriter, Smith-Corona
12″ modern, rarely used, $100
value, will sell for $65; eighteen
RCA stereo opera records, played
only once for tape recordings, with
librettos — $3 per record. Call


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Spacious, inexpensive, 2 bedroom
furnished summer sublet. Call
298-2325 after 5.


Secretary, some administrative
ability. Typing and shorthand. To
work four hours a day, Monday
thru Friday, 1-5 p.m. Call for
appointment University YMCA,
924-3193, 9-1, 2-6.

Instructors in modern dance and
ladies Judo. Dept. Recreation

Work wanted — would like
typing to do in my home. Only
$0.40 for double spaced page,
$0.05 for every extra copy. Call
296-5356 anytime.


Brown suede purse with light
blue billfold. Lost in Delta Sig
house Saturday night. If found
please call Delta Sig 295-5496.

Man's gold wedding band
initialed CLB to JFD 8/17/68. Lost
in Monroe or Newcomb Hall
Thursday. Call 295-5925 after 6.

Lost: Grey herring bone raincoat,
41 long, at Lil' Del Saturday night.
Call Lee 29505496, 517 Rugby


Photographs for Graduate
School Applications, ROTC, etc.
One day service. Negatives kept on
file for future use. We send them to
you. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E. Main,
phone 296-7558.

Experimental Community based
on Walden Two. For information
call Twin Oaks Community, Rt.
4-C, Louisa, Va. 23093.

Kountry Kitchen on Route 29S
dinners: Monday night is steak
night — $1.49. Tuesday through
Friday — all you can cat for $1.49.
Tuesday: Spaghetti night. Wednesday:
Frank and baked beans.
Thursday: Fried Chicken. Friday:
fish or spaghetti. Call 296-5940. Beer
and wine on and off.