University of Virginia Library

Arms And Police

Dear Sir:

Safety Director Bromwell's
answer to the reasonable Student
Council request for review of Police
gun toting was exactly what one
has come to expect from the present
administration. Instead of
promising to examine the issue
and evaluate existing policies, Mr.
Bromwell replied with some
asinine generalities and a vague
statement about looking into the
matter in June.

Mr. Bromwell's arguments in
favor of the present policy are
superficial and patently absurd.
The University for all of its supposed
vices is not Chicago during
the Capone era.

The Student government, at a
very minimum, has the right to
expect intelligent administrative responses
to its requests. Such responses
are obviously not going to
be forthcoming from those presently
in administrative positions.
The time for requests is long past.
On a matter involving student
safety the Council is justified in
making a demand and in moving
to see that the demand is answered
by results.

Daniel J. Snyder
Law 2