University of Virginia Library



Major L. Brown, winner of the
Bronze Star, and Veteran of Vietnam,
will speak at 8:30 p.m. in
Gilmer Hall Aud. on "Vietnam—
A View from a Helicopter." The
program is sponsored by the U.
Young Republicans Club.

The Air Force OTS Selection
Team will be at Newcomb Hall
today and tomorrow. Anyone interested
in information about the
Air Force OTS program should
inquire there.

Va. Christian Fellowship meeting,
7:30 in Madison Hall.


Outing Club: Wednesday night,
7:00 p.m., Room 4A Newcomb

The Secretary of the Pre-Medical
Evaluation Comm. has applications
forms for the Medical
College Admission test (to be
given May 4, 1968) and the Dental
Aptitude Test (given April 26,
27, 1968). Students desiring to take
either of these tests should pick
up the appropriate form in Room
324, 2:30-4:30 before March 1. Each
candidate is responsible for filing
his own application and paying a


CONCERT featuring music by
Brahms and Ravel Fri., March 1
by the U. Singers, directed by
Donald Loach. Glee Club and
Orchestra and Band also will perform.
8:30 p.m. Cabell Hall Aud.
Tickets $1.50; student and their
dates $1.00 each. Sale: Mincer's,
Newcomb Hall, and Hi-Fi House.

coming. If you have missed out
on Glee Club trips so far, don't
delay. Auditions are now being
held until March 1. Call Music
Dept. Office for apt. Ext. 3052.

Entries in all categories of the
Fine Arts Contest are now being
returned in the Director's Office,
Newcomb Hall.

Applications are now being
taken for the 2 year NROTC program
in room 105, Maury Hall.
Mus have 2 years remaining to
complete degree requirements,
must have C average and be physically
qualified to apply. Deadline
for completed applications
March 15.

Engineering Council meeting,
Thursday, 5 p.m. in Faculty Conference
room, Thornton Hall.

ODK, Raven Society, and Lychnos
Society will have a joint
meeting on "Co-Education" at 8
p.m., Thursday nite, Jefferson

Cave Club meeting, Thursday,
7:30 p.m. room 4A, Newcomb Hall.
All members please attend.