University of Virginia Library


Classified rates will be 90
minimum for the first fifteen
words and 5 for each additional
word. A 10% reduction after the
fourth consecutive insertion will
be in effect and a further 10%
discount for payment in advance.


Used Car. 1962 Red VW sedan.
Radio, 4 good tires. Reliable and
faithful. $400 Call Rich Davis


Roommate Wanted: To share a
modern apartment with three
male undergraduates behind the
Corner Cheap. Call 296-7938.


Room for rent in furnished
house with two fourth year students
on West Park Drive. Call
295-2829 or 293-5001.

Alderman Road Dorm room for
rent cheap. Will sacrifice. Call

Cottages—Montfair, Furnished,
2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room
and bath. All-electric, overlooking
lake, 25 minutes from Charlottesville.
Call 823-4196 or 8235202.


Woodrow Wilson Room on
grounds available now for Graduate
Student with year's residency.
Apply 31 W. Range.

Reweaving—Burns, tears, etc.
disappear from coats and trousers
by invisible reweaving. Call Mrs.
Hazel Hrs, 1201 Meriwether, 2967836.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service Forms. One
day service. Gitchell's Studio. 521
E. Main, 296-78.

Law Students Second and Third
Year: Work part-time preparing
individual tax return forms 1040.
Training. Apply # University
Shopping Center. Call 203-3130.


High School Rings, Yorktown
and James River; leather key case
with 4 car keys; a stethoscope.
Please claim at the Director's Office,
Newcomb Hall.

Silver pin engraved with initials,
with date 6/24/67. Call 3381 or
3382, ask for Liles.