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The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia recognizes that financial support from private sources, alumni, students, and friends of the University has long provided "the margin of excellence" so essential to maintaining the institution's place in the front ranks of American universities,
  • WHEREAS in an effort to increase support from all private sources the University has established an Office of Development to conduct a University-wide development program and to coordinate its activities with the efforts of all other organizations that seek to raise funds on behalf of the University,
  • WHEREAS, the new Office of Development is to be responsible for serving areas of potential support not now being regularly solicited by the University's other dedicated fund-raising organizations, including such important sources as deferred gifts, large gifts by individuals and/or foundations and general foundation and corporate support,
  • WHEREAS, the Office of Development is to be responsible for developing policies and procedures to insure (1) accurate and proper recording of all gifts whether made directly to the University or to one of the existing fund-raising agencies, (2) accurate and regular reporting of all such gifts to proper University authorities, and (3) prompt acknowledgment and expression of appreciation to all who give to the University or one of its fund-raising agencies.
  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that to reach the University's full potential of private support, certain steps must be taken to bring about considerable involvement of alumni and other volunteers in fund-raising planning and decision-making, and to insure effective cooperation and coordination of all engaged in efforts to secure private funds for the University.
  • To achieve these goals, it is further resolved by the Rector and Visitors that ---
  • (1) The President of the University is requested to establish specific guidelines for all existing and future fund-raising efforts on behalf of the University.
  • (2) The Board of Visitors hereby establishes the Development Council of the University of Virginia representing the Board, existing alumni groups, and other agencies raising funds for the University, and other key segments of the University. The purpose of the Development Council is to provide leadership for the University's total effort to secure private support and to determine policy for various fund-raising activities or projects within the authority granted the Council by the Board of Visitors and/or the President of the University.
  • (3) New organizations or programs to solicit funds, grants, contracts, or property for the benefit of the University or any agency thereof shall be established only with the approval of the President of the University or his delegated representative.
  • It is further resolved that the President of the University and the Vice-President for Public Affairs are requested to draft a Charter of Organization for the Development Council for consideration by the Board of Visitors at it next regular meeting.