University of Virginia Library


The following resolution, drafted by the Special Counsel, and revised, at the Board's
request, by President Darden and Mr. Howard, was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED, that the Rector, the President of the University of Virginia, the President of
Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, and the Bursar of Mary Washington College of
the University of Virginia be, and each of said officers is hereby given full and complete
authority to execute, in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, any instrument pertaining to said Mary Washington College or its affairs, which may
hereafter require the name of this corporation to be signed thereto, except that the Bursar of
Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia shall not have the authority to execute
any instrument pertaining to land or to the construction of buildings or other improvements, and
the secretary of this corporation is hereby authorized to affix the seal of this corporation to
any and all such instruments upon which such seal is or may be required, and to deliver such
instrument or instruments to the party or parties entitled to receive the same.