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The French Connection and
MASH (Ridge; 7 p.m. $2)

Mexican Bus Ride and
Simon of the Desert (Wilson
Hall; 4:30, 7, and 9 p.m.; series
ticket) Two by the master of
the surreal and the painfully
perverse. Bunuel makes the
charitable the butt of endless
jokes, the saintly the victims of
endless sensual temptations
and worthless miracles, the
poor examples of an eternally
damning greed and lechery.
There is no kind of behavior
that escapes ridicule, even that
of the truly saintly Simon
whose fate it is to be tempted
by Silvia Pinal as the devil and
finally to wind up a lost soul in
a Greenwich Village

Duck Soup and
Horsefeathers (Paramount; $2;
check for times) The Marx
Brothers run riot. In
Horsefeathers Groucho is
trying to be president of a
university badly in need of a
winning football team. Duck
Soup, probably their best,
involves Freedonia – the land
of the spree and the home of
the knave.