University of Virginia Library


Dear Editor:

I am glad to see that Bill
Hurd has finally come out in
support of those people who
see fit not to pay taxes to
support the Vietnam War and
those who fled to Canada to
escape the draft.

Of course Mr. Hurd has not
come right out and said it. But
what else can we believe when
he says, "No one should ever
be forced to contribute to an
organization whose activities
violate his moral, religious or
political beliefs."

Instead of dealing with the
Mickey-Mouse squabble of $45
contributed to the Gay
Student Union, perhaps Mr.
Hurd should devote his time
and energy working to secure
amnesty for people who went
to Canada to escape the draft. I
am sure Steve Squire could
find work for him. This is only
reasonable, since they only
refused "to contribute to an
organization whose activities
violate their moral, religious or
political beliefs."

Now perhaps Mr. Hurd
doesn't think bombing North
and South Vietnam into the
Stone Age or frying children is
immoral or irreligious,
however, if he truly believes
what he says, he should defend
draft resistors for the principle
involved. This should be very
clear to Mr. Hurd if he is an
honest person, and we all know
that Bill Hurd is an honest
person and not a hypocrite.

Ross L. Hetrick
Coll. I