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Page 41


In compliance with the Statute [Act of Assembly, 15 March, 1884,]
the University offers to white male students from Virginia over the age
of sixteen years instruction without charge for tuition in all the Academical
Schools except the Laboratory courses in Chemistry and Physics
and the Observatory course in Astronomy.

These eleven schools furnish instruction from the elements to the
most advanced stages in the following subjects:

1. The English, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish and
Anglo-Saxon Languages and the literature and rhetoric of them.

2. Ancient, Mediæval and Modern History and Political Economy.

3. Logic, Philosophy, Ethics and History of Philosophy.

4. Pure and Mixed Mathematics.

5. Experimental and Mathematical Physics.

6. Theoretical Astronomy.

7. General and Industrial Chemistry.

8. Geology and Mineralogy.

9. Biology and Agriculture.

They lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Doctor
of Science, Doctor of Letters, and Doctor of Philosophy.

The total University fees of an Academical Student from Virginia are
only $47; his necessary expenses amount to but $180, exclusive of
books and stationery; of this about $100 must be paid on entrance.

The Faculty are required by law to be satisfied by actual examination
of the applicant or by a certificate from some college or preparatory
school that he has made such proficiency in the branch of study which
he proposes to pursue as will enable him to avail himself of the advantages
afforded by the University.

Examination is required for admission to the School of

1. Latin on inflections, syntax and Books I, II of Cæsar's Commentaries, with Cicero's
Orations against Catiline.

2. Greek on inflections, syntax and Books I, II of Xenophon's Anabasis.

3. Mathematics or Natural Philosophy on Arithmetic, Plane Geometry and Algebra
through quadratics.

For the other subjects a good knowledge of English and Arithmetic
is alone required. The diploma of a college or the certificate of a high
school has great weight with the examiners.