University of Virginia Library


The present capitalistic method of production has brought with it many
problems of management. The intelligent management of workers is so important
a part of the administration of a business that it properly forms a subject by itself.
A satisfactory labor policy is now coming to be regarded as the most vital element
in business management. For the student interested in the labor side of business
administration there are several courses suggested below which will give him a
broad background for dealing with any problems of this nature which may come
up in his future business career.

An advanced course in labor problems is given for the student wishing to do
more advanced work in this field. An intensive study is made of the labor difficulties
arising out of economic activities connected with the production, exchange,
and distribution of wealth. This course aims to acquaint the student with the
many problems arising out of the relations of employer and employee; the philosophy,
policies, and methods of organized labor; unemployment; agencies for the
promotion of industrial peace, scientific management, etc.

Third Year:

Commercial Law B1 
Economics B2 
Economics B3 
Economics B5 
Government B1 

Fourth Year:

Economics B8 or C10 
Economics B9 
[1] Sociology B1 
History B2 or B3 
Economics C6 

See general catalogue of the University.