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[The world unknowingly fulfil]

In them is fulfilled the prophecy, &c. —xiii. 14, 15.

The world unknowingly fulfil
The Scriptures they deny,
Careless they hear and read them still
With unenlighten'd eye:
They see the Way from which they err,
Nor yet the Truth perceive,
Nor will the inward Prophet hear,
Nor will in Christ believe.
Their gross unfeeling heart oppose
And with the Saviour fight,
Their ears against His words they close,
Their eyes against His light;
By no decree of His compell'd
They spurn the' incarnate God,
Refuse to let their souls be heal'd
By their Redeemer's blood.
They might perceive that Christ is He,
And know the Shepherd's voice,
They might through faith converted be
And in His love rejoice:


But if they still their God defy,
Till mercy's day is pass'd
Unheal'd, unsaved they justly die,
Die in their sins at last.