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Let that MONCK, whom I see but through a cloud,
(And may two faces hide beneath one hood,)
Consider this; and take heed, lest he may
By fair appearances be led astray,
And make his Pow'r to over-balance that
Which must be weigh'd out, by their free debate
To whom it appertains: for, they alone,
Must, now, untill their own set time is gone,
Determine that which in suspence doth stand;
And, if the Pow'r then slip into his hand,
(As possibly it will) he then may do
What GOD and his own conscience prompts him to.


Mean while, it will behove him to be wary;
For, if an equal hand he shall not carry,
As their Affairs now stand, 'twill treason be,
Ev'n in the most superlative degree;
And, shall be, doubtless, in the final swinge
Rewarded with superlative revenge,
Whether the Pow'r, from whom his Pow'r he had
Were perfect, or, some way imperfect made,
Either by their own faults, or other mens;
For, his defects have no excuse from thence:
Because, a servants trust, must be maintain'd,
How e'r their Masterships, his Masters gain'd.