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The Authors

Epitaph. 48.

Long after All was made, I, made, was marr'd
By Error of my Parents ere I err'd:
For, to the World I came through their offence,
Which made me sinfull, in mine Innocence.
I lou'd the Muses; and sought by them
Long life in this lifes shadow of a Dreame;
But, I am gon; and, my Remaines (I gesse)
Are but the Laboures of my Idlenesse
Which, liuing, die: so all thereby I got
Is Fame (perhaps) which (past perhaps) Is not;
At least Is not to me; sith dead I am:
And, haue no sence of Aire, Fames surer Name.
I lou'd Faire-writing; and, could Write as faire
As any that for That had got that Aire.
I taught it others; but my greatest Fee
Was fairest-fame the fowler shame for mee
In Mens accompt; who hold all Gettings vaine
That tend to Grace and Glory more than Gaine.
My Heart was Manly, in a double-sence,
Kind to my Friends and apt to giue offence
To my Offenders: so, Heart, Hand, and Head
Had precious Guifts, that did me little stead.
I found the World as Abel found it; sith
It harm'd me most that medl'd least therewith.
I found my Flesh my Houshold Foe; while I
The Diuell found my forraigne enemy:

So, Inwardly and Outwardly I found
My life still Millitant; till in this Ground
I lay intrench'd: where safe I lie from fight,
Equall to Cæsar in our present plight:
If oddes there be; herein it now doth rest,
I, being a Christian-man, must needs be best:
My soule is in his hand, that made me so;
His Glories Subiect still, in Weale, or Woe.