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But, I shall not believe he hath Commission
To raign here, by GOD's grace, or his permission,
Untill he gets admittance by th'Assents
Of these three Nations in their Parliaments;
Or, by re-conquest: Nor, will I desist
From still adhering to that Interest
Which we possess, and, on Appeals from heaven,
Was by GOD's Doom, unto this People given:
But, I'll assert it, while life shall endure,
Or, till for sin, GOD, takes the forfeiture
Of what he gave; and absolutely shall
Translate it; or, on terms conditionall:
Or, till I see our diff'rences decided,
And, how the Pow'r now claim'd shall be divided.
Mean while, I neither to be saved from
His wrath, or, to find grace in time to come,
Will have with him compliance; lest I wrong
That Pow'r to which my services belong:
Nor, will I, whilst this lasts, one deed assay
Which tendeth to removing it away.
Nay, notwithstanding it should me oppress,
And, ill requite me for my faithfulness,
I would not tell in secret, how it should
Supplanted be, although, perhaps, I could:
Except, in telling Charles, his Resignation,
Will be the best means of that supplantation:


For, though the Cause, I fought for, were unjust,
I am a Traytor if I break my trust.
Yea, though thereof, I be well satisfied,
If I shall turn unto the other side
Before that trust, I, totally resign,
With all that Pow'r, which by that trust was mine,
Or, make my self a starting hole, whereby
I may be false, with shews of Loyalty.