University of Virginia Library


M. J. Patsel, the subject of this sketch, is one of
Roanoke's most progressive young business men, being
the junior member of the drug firm of Fox & Patsel,
corner of Commerce
illustration Street and Salem Avenue.
He is a son of
William F. and Magdalene
(Kessler) Patsel,
and was born in Bedford
County, Virginia, on
August 15th, 1872. At
the age of thirteen years,
he removed with his
parents to Roanoke.
His early education was
received in the country
schools of Bedford and
of Roanoke City. He
also attended Alleghany
Institute. In early
life he became identified
with the drug firm of
Budwell & Christian, as
a clerk, serving an apprenticeship, which has ever
afterwards been of service to him. He afterwards
associated himself with H. C. Barnes, in a similar
capacity, remaining in that drug store for a period of
ten years. In 1901 he formed a copartnership with
Charles D. Fox and by close attention to duty has
succeeded in building up an immense trade. He is a
registered pharmacist, having been licensed to practice
pharmacy by the State Board of Pharmacy of Virginia.

Mr. Patsel has been eminently successful in dealing
in Roanoke real estate, buying and selling, and in the
erection of a number of handsome residence buildings.

He was married August 23d, 1900, to Clara L. Duffel,
daughter of Edward James and Mary Ellen (Seay)
Duffel of Lynchburg, and to them five children have
been born as follows: Mary Elizabeth, aged nine
years; Dorothy, aged seven years, and M. J. Jr., aged
three and one-half years. Rena Louise and Virginia
Catherine (twins) died at the age of five weeks.