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Aug. 23-29
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Aug. 23-29

At church in the morning and hear Mr. Boyden on the Manifold wisdom and goodness of God ....In the evening call to see Bob. He is sitting up but looks so wretchedly. Am introduced to Colonel Smead. Make another visit to The Creek this week and find Mr. [Aurelius King] Shay there. We have a gay time. Call at Mr. Pegrams; am introduced to the Rev. Mr. Calloway. Go one morning to see Mary Walker (Randolph). She looks so frail; has such a bad cough. Her baby is a fine boy born August 15th. She calls him George Geiger. Call to see Bob nearly every day. He is very poorly tho not dangerously ill. Jimmy Minor, too, is very sick. Nannie and I leave for home on Thursday with an escort made up by Mr. Shay, Lewis Fry and Charlie Lewis. [Lewis Fry is the grandson of Howel and Sarah Lewis and Charlie their son.] The two last are going to make Met a visit. At the Depot in town we find our two hospital acquaintances Levy and Smith. The "man of letters" is roughly handed. Get home to dinner; feel quite comfortable to be back again but such a blank in the household by the absence of Mammy Eliza and Dick. Mammy E writes that the baby is better. At one time they did not think it would live. Sue is doing well. Saturday I have a letter from Lizzie Minor. She tells me Jimmy and Bob are both better. Jimmy has gotten the Cadetship at [the Virginia Military Institute at] Lexington and will go over as soon as he gets well ....